Laws About Adult Use of Marijuana in Nevada

At Greenleaf Wellness, we place a high premium on educating our clients. People should be able to legally, securely, and responsibly consume cannabis. You may find more details below, and our knowledgeable staff of advisers is pleased to take consumers through Nevada’s existing legal limitations on cannabis use by adults.

What does recreational or adult-use marijuana mean in Nevada?

People who are 21 or older and live in Nevada can legally buy and use cannabis for recreational purposes. Cannabis can only be bought at stores that are licensed to do so for personal use. When they go into the dispensary, everyone will have to show their government-issued photo ID. Learn the laws about this plant so you can have a legal experience with it.

How much marijuana can I possess in Nevada?

Adults over the age of 21 can legally have the following amounts of cannabis: Up to 1 oz. of cannabis flower. Up to 1/8 ounce of highly concentrated cannabis (the separated resin, whether crude or purified, obtained from cannabis)

WHAT RESTRICTIONS ARE THERE ON recreational cannabis in Nevada?

Know and abide by the law if you intend to consume cannabis. It’s possible that the laws on this page don’t apply to medical marijuana.

Paying for cannabis

You can only purchase cannabis in Nevada from authorized retailers. Obtaining cannabis from a dealer or a third party is against the law. Like with the purchase of alcoholic beverages, retail cannabis customers will need to prove their age with government-issued identification.

Possessing Cannabis

Adults over the age of 21 can legally have the following amounts of cannabis:

  • One ounce or less of marijuana
  • Up to 1/8 ounce of highly concentrated marijuana (the separated resin, whether crude or purified, obtained from cannabis)

Consuming Cannabis

  • Cannabis use is permitted for anyone over the age of 21, but only in certain settings.
  • Cannabis usage is prohibited in all public areas.
  • No one, driver or passenger, is allowed to use marijuana while the car is in motion.
  • Only on private property (one’s own house, for example) and if the owner has not banned the use of cannabis is it legal to partake.

Cannabis Use While Driving

  • Getting behind the wheel while high is against the law and hazardous. It’s dangerous to get behind the wheel after consuming any amount of cannabis.


Greenleaf Wellness strictly abides by the regulations of cannabis in our state. We recognize the laws of Nevada for what they are: measures taken to ensure the security of the state’s residents. All of our vendors have been thoroughly checked for legal compliance, and we take further measures to guarantee our clients’ protection. Our goal is to help you navigate the legal cannabis industry with as little stress as possible, and while we can’t provide legal advice, we’ll do everything in our power to do just that.



Our Sparks/Reno, Nevada dispensaries are found around the city’s main thoroughfares. You may get in touch with us in a number of ways, but we encourage you to come meet us in person so that we can share our firsthand knowledge with you. Feel free to get in touch with us by email at [email protected], social media, or by calling the Sparks office at 775-470-5255. If you’d like to be kept up-to-date on the latest happenings at our store, any new items we get in, and be sure to sign up for our email list through our website. Put up the effort to get in touch right now, and we can embark on exciting new adventures together.

Reno dispensary near reno airport.